One of the biggest hurdles chronic back pain sufferers need to overcome is understanding they need to invest in themselves…
In order to learn to master their bodies, and heal themselves for the long term…
Versus continuing to pay for short term fixes that only provide temporary relief, and don’t actually resolve the root cause of the problem in the first place.
Putting themselves first can be the hardest part for most.
But when it comes to our health it should be of the upmost priority right?
Because without our health – we can’t live life to the fullest, and more importantly it’s a lot harder to create the life we desire to live when we are suffering on daily basis.
We’ve been having this conversation with our 5 year old son a lot lately – when he asks us ‘why’ all the time…
Why do I need to eat that?
Why do I need to go to bed at this time?
When can’t I have devices all the time?
The list goes on….
And our answer is always the same…
“Because everything we ask you to do is so you can be healthy, so you can thrive, and grow up and create the life you want”
Sadly though, most individuals aren’t valuing themselves highly enough to invest enough their time, energy and finances to learn how to be empowered and look after themselves.
To be a sovereign being – who doesn’t need to rely on anyone or anything to fix them.
I sit and ask myself why this is?
Why do we keep going back to short term fixes that only give us a little bit of relief but don’t solve the problem…
And deep down we know it isn’t working.
Why do we keep listening to that friend or family member who isn’t YOU first and foremost, and most likely has no expertise or idea about a real solution for YOUR body… But we follow their advice anyway 🤷🏽
Why do we make an effort with ourselves one week, but let it go in the next?
Are we too programmed that we think we can’t achieve the life we truely desire? That’s is not actually attainable?
Do we really believe we are not worthy, teachable, committed or powerful enough?
Because we are… our bodies are designed to heal.
And they are healing, and regenerating every single second of every hour of every day. (Another fact we like to remind our son)
Or, are we all just too tired, cant be bothered, so it’s easier to give up trying, and just settle and live with it?
Well, we don’t believe any of this for a second.
Imagine this…
You just landed your dream job and this was going to be the long term solution to most of your problems.
You know you have the support, materials and a roadmap to succeed.
But now you have to Invest Time, Energy and $$$ too…
Travel to and from work..
Show up on time…
Pay for work attire, food, drink and networking…
Learn your new role from a specialist in your field…
Apply what you learn day in and day out…
Maintain a growth mindset so you can learn more and do a great job…
Even give more energy and time outside of working hours to get the job done…
And, you do all of this for a better quality of life right!?
The exact same applies to your health.
To get long lasting results and becoming pain free, all of the above analogy applies.
What would you rather do…
Invest in short term fixes over and over again expecting a different result
Invest in learning how to take care of yourself for a long term solution?
I took the latter and healed my chronic low back and shoulder pain, after months of falling through the gaps in the system of bandaid approaches.
And so did my wife Laura after a complete fracture to her C7 spine, and multiple work place injuries as a Paramedic…
If we had just taken the medical ‘diagnosis’, and bought into the fear, and recommendations of surgery and medication…
Then we wouldn’t be doing what we’re doing today…
And we wouldn’t have gone through our own healing journey’s to empowerment and sovereignty.
And the many others that are now understanding that the ‘system’ has failed them, and it’s time to take back their power.
Taking ownership and responsibility is the first step.
Then finding the right support, guidance, accountability, education and tools, that will not only help you overcome the pain, but will improve your overall health and wellbeing.
What will you do?